Hypothesis testing in networks

Overall, there are many ways in which we can see hypothesis testing within the networks context:

  1. Comparing two or more networks, e.g., we want to see if the density of two networks are equal.

  2. Prevalence of a motif/pattern, e.g., check whether the observed number of transitive triads is different from that expected as of by chance.

  3. Multivariate using ERGMs, e.g., jointly test whether homophily and two stars are the motifs that drive network structure.

The latter we already review in the ERGM chapter. In this part, we will look at types one and two; both using non-parametric methods.

Comparing networks

Imagine that we have two graphs, \((G_1,G_2) \in \mathcal{G}\), and we would like to assess whether a given statistic \(s(\cdot)\), e.g., density, is equal in both of them. Formally, we would like to asses whether \(H_0: s(G_1) - s(G_2) = k\) vs \(H_a: s(G_1) - s(G_2) \neq k\).

As usual, the true distribution of \(s(\cdot)\) is unknown, thus, one approach that we could use is a non-parametric bootstrap test.

Network bootstrap

The non parametric bootstrap and jackknife methods for social networks were introduced by (Snijders and Borgatti 1999). The method itself is used to generate standard errors for network level statistics. Both methods are implemented in the R package netdiffuseR.

When the statistic is normal

When the we deal with things that are normally distributed, e.g., sample means like density1, we can make use of the Student’s distribution for making inference. In particular, we can use Bootstrap/Jackknife to approximate the standard errors of the statistic for each network:

  1. Since \(s(G_i)\sim \text{N}(\mu_i,\sigma_i^2/m_i)\) for \(i\in\{1,2\}\), in the case of the density, \(m_i = n_i * (n_i - 1)\). The statistic is then:

    \[ s(G_1) - s(G_0)\sim \text{N}(\mu_1-\mu_0, \sigma_1^2/m_1 + \sigma_1^2/m_2) \]


    \[ \frac{s(G_1) - s(G_0) - \mu_1 + \mu_2}{\sqrt{\sigma_1^2/{m_1} + \sigma_1^2/{m_2}}} \sim t_{m_1 + m_2 - 2} \] But, if we are testing \(H_0: \mu_1 - \mu_2 = k\), then, under the null

    \[ \frac{s(G_1) - s(G_0) - k}{\sqrt{\sigma_1^2/{m_1} + \sigma_1^2/{m_2}}} \sim t_{m_1 + m_2 - 2} \] Where We now proceede to approximate the variances.

  2. Using the plugin principle (Efron and Tibshirani 1994), we can approximate the variances using Bootstrap/Jackknife, i.e., compute \(\hat\sigma_1^2\approx\sigma_1^2/m_1\) and \(\hat\sigma_2^2\approx\sigma_2^2/m_2\). Using netdiffuseR

    # Obtain a 100 replicates
    sg1 <- bootnet(g1, function(i, ...) sum(i)/(nnodes(i) * (nnodes(i) - 1)), R = 100)
    sg2 <- bootnet(g2, function(i, ...) sum(i)/(nnodes(i) * (nnodes(i) - 1)), R = 100)
    # Retrieving the variances
    hat_sigma1 <- sg1$var_t
    hat_sigma2 <- sg2$var_t
    # And the actual values
    sg1 <- sg1$t0
    sg2 <- sg2$t0
  3. With the approximates in hand, we can then use the the “t-test table” to retrieve the corresponding value, in R:

    # Building the statistic
    k <- 0 # For equal variances
    tstat <- (sg1 - sg2 - k)/(sqrt(hat_sigma1 + hat_sigma2))
    # Computing the pvalue
    m1 <- nnodes(g1)*(nnodes(g1) - 1)
    m2 <- nnodes(g2)*(nnodes(g2) - 1)
    pt(tstat, df = m1 + m2 - 2)

When the statistic is NOT normal

In the case that the statistic is not normally distributed, we cannot use the t-statistic any longer. Nevertheless, the Bootstrap can come to help. While in general it is better to use distributions of pivot statistics (see (Efron and Tibshirani 1994)), we can still leverage the power of this method to make inferences. For this example, \(s(\cdot)\) will be the range of the threshold in a diffusion graph.

As before, imagine that we are dealing with an statistic \(s(\cdot)\) for two different networks, and we would like to asses whether we can reject \(H_0\) or fail to reject it. The procedure is very similar:

  1. One approach that we can test is whether \(k \in \text{ConfInt}(s(G_1) - s(G_2))\). Building confidence intervals with bootstrap could be more intuitive.

  2. Like before, we use bootstrap to generate a distribution of \(s(G_1)\) and \(s(G_2)\), in R:

    # Obtain a 1000 replicates
    sg1 <- bootnet(g1, function(i, ...) range(threshold(i)), R = 1000)
    sg2 <- bootnet(g2, function(i, ...) range(threshold(i)), R = 1000)
    # Retrieving the distributions
    sg1 <- sg1$boot$t
    sg2 <- sg2$boot$t
    # Define the statistic
    sdiff <- sg1 - sg2
  3. Once we have sdiff, we can proceed and compute the, for example, 95% confidence interval, and evaluate whether \(k\) falls within. In R:

    diff_ci <- quantile(sdiff, probs = c(0.025, .975))

This corresponds to what Efron and Tibshirani call “percentile interval.” This is easy to compute, but a better approach is using the “BCa” method, “Bias Corrected and Accelerated.” (TBD)


Average of node-level stats

Supposed that we would like to compare something like average indegree. In particular, for both networks, \(G_1\) and \(G_2\), we compute the average indegree per node:

\[ s(G_1) = \text{AvgIndeg}(G_1) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}\sum_{j\neq i}A^1_{ji} \]

where \(A^1_{ji}\) equals one if vertex \(j\) sends a tie to \(i\). In this case, since we are looking at an average, we have that \(\text{AvgIndeg}(G_1) \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma^2_1/n)\). Thus, taking advantage of the normality of the statistic, we can build a test statistic as follows:

\[ \frac{s(G_1) - s(G_2) - k}{\sqrt{\hat\sigma_{1}^2 + \hat\sigma_{2}^2}} \sim t_{n_1 + n_2 - 2} \] Where \(\hat\sigma_i\) is the bootstrap standard error, and \(k = 0\) when we are testing equality. This distributes \(t\) with \(n_1+n_2-2\) degrees of freedom. As a difference from the previous example using density, the degrees of freedom for this test are less as, instead of having an average across all entries of the adjacency matrix, we have an average across all vertices.

  1. Density is indeed a sample mean as we are, in principle computing the average of a sequence of Bernoulli variables. Formally: \(\text{density}(G) = \frac{1}{n(n-1)}\sum_{ij}A_{ij}\).↩︎